News & Events

KW Habilitation and Crow Shield Lodge

At KW Habilitation, there are several staff led committees that focus on a variety of different things for our team. Of these committees, one of them is the Equity Council.  The Equity Council  uses an  intersectional lens to promote and support Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at KW Habilitation through consultative and collaborative processes. 

Their goals include embracing the diverse values of staff to drive positive change and provide opportunities that foster diversity, inclusion and equity for all.  There has been a lot of interest from our team in learning more about Indigenous culture and promoting opportunities to drive truth and reconciliation, so the Equity Council reached out to the Elders at Crow Shield Lodge.  Crow Shield Lodge is a local organization offering Indigenous land-based education, healing, reconciliation, and land stewardship for people of all Nations. On June 26, 2024, 20 team members from all different areas across KW Habilitation visited Crow Shield Lodge to experience an Indigenous sharing circle first hand.

Though it was a rainy day, that didn’t stop our group from making it up the hill to the warm fire awaiting us under the tent. Here we were greeted by a firekeeper and two Elders who welcomed us in and had us take a seat around the circle of chairs facing each other inside the tent.  Incense was burned, tobacco smoked by Elders, and copal (a tree medicine) was passed around for everyone to feel and smell while the Elders began educating staff on Indigenous culture by sharing personal stories and answering our questions.

Our group was particularly interested in hearing from the Elders more about how we can be leaders on the path toward Truth and Reconciliation.  We were encouraged to continue to engage with Indigenous cultures through visits to Crow Shield Lodge, Six Nations, attending pow wows, and ensuring Indigenous people feel heard and supported. As September 30th approaches, and Truth and Reconciliation makes its way back into the news cycle, we’re reminded that there are daily actions that we can and should take toward Reconciliation.  

If you’d like to know more about Crow Shield Lodge and their offerings, please visit their website.