Accessibility – Customer Service Standard

At KW Habilitation, we’re committed to making our services, buildings, transportation, information, and communication accessible to everyone. This commitment extends to people supported by KW Habilitation and members of the general public (e.g., donors, those seeking support information, etc.).

Some of the things KW Habilitation does to provide accessible services include:


  • We believe in person-centred support and communicate with people with disabilities in the ways that they need.

Service Animals:

  • We recognize that some people with disabilities rely on service animals. Service animals are allowed on the parts of our premises that are open to the public, unless the animal is otherwise excluded by law from the premises. If the animal is legally excluded from the premises, KWH will provide alternative measures to enable the person to obtain or receive services.

Assistive Devices:

  • We encourage people to use their assistive devices (e.g., listening device, wheelchair, cane, etc.) while accessing our services.

Support Persons

  • A person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to have that person accompany them on our premises. If KWHS charges an admission fee in connection with a support person’s presence at an event or function, advance notice will be given regarding the amount, if any, that is to be paid by the support person.


  • As an organization, KW Habilitation provides supports and services to persons with developmental disabilities. As such, our employees have received training and orientation with regards to accessibility and disability issues.


  • If you receive services from KW Habilitation and have comments and/or concerns regarding accessibility challenges, please discuss these with the manager or staff of the program location where you receive our services.
  • Anyone else who experiences accessibility challenges when interacting with KW Habilitation or while accessing our services, should talk to the manager of the location or, if it is an office location, the office representative. KW Habilitation will work with you to resolve the issue.
  • Other feedback regarding accessibility issues can be forwarded to our main office:
  • Phone: 519-744-6307
    Fax: 519-571-1629
    Email: [email protected]
    Mail: KW Habilitation
    99 Ottawa Street South
    Kitchener, ON N2G 3S8

Additional Information:

Accessibility Feedback Form
Accessibility Policy
Multi-Year Accessibility Policy Plan

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