News & Events

Give a Gift

Copy of kwh social postsAs we quickly approach the Christmas Season, KW Habilitation is making plans to support many people through the holidays.  Each year friends and staff of KW Hab donate money to purchase gifts for adults who do not have a family to celebrate Christmas with. 

In the past, we have raised funds for this initiative through things like 50/50 draws that we have throughout the year.  This year has obviously been different and we hope we can count on you to give a gift.  Should you or anyone you know be interested in making a donation for this cause, we’d appreciate it.  The money we receive means team members can purchase personalized gifts for people who would not be receiving gifts in the traditional sense.

If you would like to make a donation, please fill out this form before December 11, 2020.  A charitable donation receipt will be issued and we sincerely appreciate your assistance.

Please Join Us for our Annual Golf Tournament!