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From Learning to Earning: Alejandro’s Project SEARCH Experience

Alejandro working for Chef D Catering and Events.
Alejandro working for Chef D Catering and Events.

Project SEARCH is a skills-building, employment-focused program designed for students aged 18–21 with developmental disabilities. In collaboration with KW Habilitation, the Waterloo Catholic District School Board, St. Mary’s General Hospital, and Cambridge Memorial Hospital, the program provides students with hands-on learning experiences. These experiences equip them with valuable skills to pursue volunteer opportunities or employment after graduation.

We asked one of our Project Search students Alejandro Saavedra-Carias, to tell us all about his experience in the program. Read what he has to say below:

My name is Alejandro and this was my experience and my opportunity to learn and explore the world of jobs and job opportunities.


How did you join Project Search?

Before I joined Project Search, the way I heard about Project Search was from my brother Fernando when he had the opportunity to be part of Project Search in St Mary’s General Hospital. After his graduation from the program, I was given my turn to take the opportunity to join Project Search.


How do you get there?

Based on where you live, it varies depending on how long it takes to get to the hospital. I had to take a nearly two-hour bus ride plus the ION train to get there, but sometimes I’d been given rides to the hospital and back to home from either my Mom or Dad. Despite the long rides, most of the time the rides have been smooth.


What were your departments?

The three departments I had were, Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Food Services and the Stores/Storage department.


What were your departments like?

For Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, I would be tasked with the cleaning of the waiting/seating areas as well as replacing the linen bags on both sides of the department. I would also do some smaller tasks such as rolling and restocking linens and taking these probe things to the small items elevators to send the used probes to the basement and clean probes would be put on these probe refrigerator things.

Food Services was simple but there was a lot to do. Most of the time you would be sorting food products to the correct spots which would be either freezer, dry items or refrigerator. I would also help with placing items on trays, marking expiration dates on specific items, filling cups with Jello, and spraying carts with a hose after lunch break.

Lastly, Stores/Storage department being my personal favourite. I would pay attention to the numbers and letters to make sure I place the correct items in the correct spots. I also had the opportunity to explore more of the hospital whenever I had to deliver or restock items on any of the upper floors as well as picking items that were requested to restock with the help of the ZEBRA phone (work designed mobile phone).


What was the Hospital like?

The hospital was like most other hospitals, multiple stories and easy to get lost. From what I have gotten to explore, the hospital has multiple floors and has many different departments, as well as Tim Horton’s on the main floor lobby as well as Subway and a cafeteria in the basement including a small Pharmacy as well. To put it simple, St Mary’s General Hospital provided a lot of service and help.


Alejandro working for Chef D Catering and Events.
Alejandro working for Chef D Catering and Events.

Where are you now?

Before Project Search 2023-2024 ended, I was notified by Brant N, my Job Developer with KW Habilitation – Career Compass, that I had an interview opportunity with Chef D Catering and Events. I was very surprised to be given the opportunity and also pretty excited and a bit nervous about my first legit interview with someone. After the Project Search Graduation of 2023-2024, and a month after that, I became a Chef D Catering and Events employee with the special task of washing all the dishes and equipment in the back as well as handling some smaller side tasks as well. 

After about a month and a half of working, I’ve had a few days where the days felt long, but with all the work and effort I’ve been putting into work, I feel like I can confidently say that even though I mostly clean dishes, I provide a huge amount of help and time saving to the other employees when I am part of the shift.

Although it’s been a while since leaving St Mary’s General Hospital, the memories I’ve made with my colleagues and those who helped me in my departments are something I’m going to cherish forever and no matter what I do with my job or future jobs, I’ll remember what I’ve learned and look forward to a bright future.

Thank you for the memories Project Search and St Mary’s General Hospital, especially for everything you taught me, I’ve never felt more blessed and grateful for this opportunity, it means a lot to both me and my family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

My name is Alejandro Saavedra-Carias and this has been my Project Search story. 

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