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Top 5 Tips to Improve Your Job Search and Help You Find a Job

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At KW Habilitation, KW Career Compass Job Coaches can work with you to help you find a job.  Looking for a new job or career can be hard. Here are 5 tips that will help you with your job search:

  1. Know what your skills are
  2. Decide what job you want
  3. Be patient and set goals
  4. Prepare for your interview
  5. Be open to feedback

Know what your skills are

When looking for a job, you need to know your skills and strengths. Think about what you enjoy and what you’re good at.  Ask: “What are my strengths?”  Write a list of your skills. If you are unsure of your strengths, ask friends and family.  A Job Coach at KW Career Compass can help with this too.  They will look at your skills and where they would fit in a job!


Decide what job you want

Once you know what your skills are, ask: “What type of job am I interested in?” You can look at job descriptions for ideas. You can make a list of what tasks you enjoy, work site location and hours to work.


Be patient and set goals

Searching for a job can take a long time.  Be patient. When you start applying to jobs, you might not get hired right away. If you don’t have the skills or experience for the job you want, make a plan.  Break down your goals into smaller steps. A Job Coach can help by updating your resume and finding out more about the skills needed for the job you want. You may need to do some training to improve your skills. You may need to practice your skills in a volunteer position.  Job searching is not easy. Be positive, celebrate your successes and stay motivated.  You can sign up for LEG Up! To Work at KW Career Compass.  LEG Up! To Work is a job readiness course that can help prepare you for work.  Our next course starts in January: (include link to pdf)


Prepare for your interview

It’s important to be prepared for an interview. This will help increase your comfort level and improve the way you handle the interview. The first step is to research the company and the details of the role you are applying to. The next step is to practice common interview questions and responses. A great way to practice for an interview is to do a mock interview with a friend or a Job Coach.


Be open to feedback

One of the most important tips for improving your job search is to be open to positive and negative feedback. If you don’t get the job, ask for feedback on your interview.  It’san opportunity to learn and continue to grow. Use that feedback to have a better interview next time.


KW Career Compass

Finding the right job takes time and effort.  Remember to stay focused on your goals, be open to improvement and be patient.  By following these 5 tips, you can increase your chances of success. Your dream job is just around the corner!

At KW Career Compass, we offer guidance and employment services to adults who with any barrier to employment living in Waterloo Region. We can help with resume writing, interview preparation, job readiness, 1:1 tutoring and more.  We even offer in person job readiness courses like LEG Up! to Work.  For referral information, please visit the KW Career Compass page on our website.  

If you are a job seeker who is motivated, reliable and dependable or would like more information about KW Career Compass, please email us today at [email protected] or call Stacey Mitchell, Manager, 519-744-6307 ext 1252.


KW Career Compass

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