KW Habilitation offers a variety of housing options for people in Kitchener-Waterloo. We believe that everyone in our community deserves to live in a safe and affordable home with the supports they need. We know that there isn’t just one way to help people find safe and affordable housing, and that’s why KW Habilitation has focused on different solutions.

Inclusive Living
KW Habilitation supports adults with developmental disabilities in many homes throughout Kitchener and Waterloo. We offer individualized and person-directed supports that focus on self-determination, personal choice, responsibility, contentment and inclusion. We provide opportunities to participate in and contribute to activities in the community to help create a good life.
Referrals for our Inclusive Living options are received from Developmental Services Ontario Central West Region.

Supported Independent Living (SIL)
The Supported Independent Living Program at KW Habilitation is an option where people with developmental disabilities live independently either on their own or in shared accommodations. Assistance is offered to enhance independent living abilities of the people receiving support.
Help is typically requested in the areas of banking, budgeting, grocery shopping and cooking however; support varies and is provided in any aspect of daily living.
Referrals for our Supported Independent Living options are received from Developmental Services Ontario Central West Region.

Complex Care
Complex Care Supports at KW Habilitation started in 2019 with the goal of increasing capacity to support people in our community with complex needs and behaviours.
Incorporated in our inclusive living model with daily supports provided by our specialized Complex Care staff, we work collaboratively with clinicians at KW Hab to complete ongoing behaviour assessments and treatment. These efforts occur in specialized environments.
Referrals to Complex Care come as part of the referral process for all inclusive living referrals through Developmental Services Ontario.

Affordable Housing
We know that finding affordable housing (and housing geared to income) is a challenge. Not just in Kitchener-Waterloo, but all across Canada. That’s why, several years ago, KW Habilitation realized that we had the ability to help. With land and more than 50 years experience in housing we knew that we could build affordable housing buildings for people on the Regions waitlist AND continue to help people with developmental disabilities.
That’s where our Neighbour Helping Neighbour model of Affordable Housing was created. An idea that means we all look out for each other, we say hello, we check in. Our neighbours are part of our community.
We built and opened our first affordable housing building in 2018 and it is occupied by people from the affordable housing waitlist at the Region of Waterloo and people we work for at KW Hab.
Our next project is ready to build! We’re just waiting to secure the rest of our funding. Help us meet our goal by making a donation today.