Early Learning, Child Care and Family Resources

The Early Learning, Child Care and Family Resources (ELCCFR) program at KW Habilitation works with licensed early learning and child care programs in the Region of Waterloo. Children, aged 0-12 years attending these programs benefit from the expertise of our team.  We are members of the Special Needs Resourcing Collaborative in Waterloo Region.

Our Team:

Most of our team is made up of Resource Consultants (RCs), who provide support to educators that will be beneficial to all children. 

How We Help:

Our RCs attend licensed child care programs in the Region and observe each classroom. From there, we offer tailored advice and support to the educators that will help in a variety of ways. We structure that support in a Tiered Services Model:

  • Tier 1 will help the entire classroom
  • Tier 2 is targeted to some of the children in the classroom
  • Tier 3 is specific to one child with an identified need


The RCs main goal is to promote a sense of belonging for all children in the classroom. If an educator, parent, or caring adult recognizes that a child might need additional support, a referral can be made to increase the type of support provided.   


We accept referrals from parents, physicians, community agencies, or early learning and child care centres with written consent from the parent/guardian. A referral is made by contacting our child care Special Needs Access Point (SNAP) program.

Our Program Vision Statement: 

“Together with families and community partners, Early Learning, Child Care and Family Resources at KW Habilitation works to help children and youth in Waterloo Region thrive in licensed child care programs.” 

Special Needs Resourcing Collaborative (SNRC)

special needs resourcing collaborative logo

The Special Needs Resourcing Collaborative is made up of KidsAbility, KW Habilitation and the Special Needs Access Point (SNAP).  The Special Needs Resourcing Collaborative (SNRC) provides support to Licensed Child Care Programs across Waterloo Region for children up to 12 years of age.  As members of the collaborative, we have committed to working closely together, not only in our daily practices in the Early Learning and Child Care community, but in our overall strategic direction. Our unique partnership allows us to cultivate respectful relationships with each other and with those we support, as well as always striving to be responsive, efficient and effective in the way we approach our work. We collaborate in order to streamline the services provided so that all children, regardless of their abilities are supported to thrive in quality, inclusive early learning environments.

When a program or individual need is identified, licensed child-care programs can access the SNRC through the Special Needs Access Point.  From there, you might be connected with Resource Consultants or SPOT Therapists who make up the team of professionals that work to ensure all children are participating in a meaningful way in their child-care program.

Early Childhood Educators, parents, or caregivers can contact the SNRC with any concerns or questions. 

Our Mandate: To work as partners to support licensed early learning and child-care programs in meeting the diverse needs of children and families in Waterloo Region.

Funding for the SNR Collaborative is provided by the Region of Waterloo and the Province of Ontario.

Please Join Us for our Annual Golf Tournament!