We are so excited to be offering our first ever CSA Veggie Box from Our Farm! A selection of fresh, locally grown vegetables from Our Farm to your table, available for 17 weeks this summer and fall! Good things come from Our Farm.
More Information
CSA Stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It is a traditional produce distribution model that connects you to your farmer and supports your local food system.
Members pre-purchase vegetable shares early in the season in exchange for an assortment of fresh, local and delicious produce as it becomes available later in the growing season.
This season, the Our Farm CSA Box will run for 17 weeks between June 25th – October 15th,2024.
CSA pick up day will be every Tuesday from 4:00-6:00pm at 115 University Avenue East, Waterloo, ON. (the parking lot facing Weber Street)
When you sign up for a CSA vegetable subscription you are supporting the Our Farm program.
Not only are you investing in some nutritious and delicious vegetables, but you are also investing in your local farmer, food system and the good work we do here at KW Habilitation.
If you are looking to eat locally and you’re interested in trying new types of vegetables as they become available during the growing season, this CSA Box is for you!
This share will provide vegetables for a veggie loving single/couple or a small family that consumes vegetables moderately.
The cost of the Our Farm CSA Box is: $468
Included is 17 weeks of fresh delicious vegetables.
Every week, you can expect to receive between 6 and 8 different types of vegetables in your share.
We also send a weekly newsletter updating you on what will be available in your veggie share and includes news from the farm fields and new recipes to try.
Each week you will bring your own bag or box and all the items will be set up on tables with instructions about what to take for each share. An Our Farm team member will be available to help you in any way you need.
There will also be a ‘Swap Box’ where you are able to trade in one item per week for a different one. For example: You don’t like fennel? Swap it out for another head of lettuce.
You will be eating seasonally so the variety of vegetables available will be continuously changing with the changes in temperature and sunlight that each season brings.
Some of the crops to expect during each season:
- Arugula, lettuce, radishes, bok choy, kale, garlic scapes, green onions, herbs
Early Summer
- Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi, peas, zucchini, beets, carrots
Late Summer
- Peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, string beans, raspberries, potatoes, onions
- Winter squash, brussels sprouts, turnips, spinach, swiss chard, parsnips, carrots, leeks
If you are unable to pick up your CSA share, you can gift the share to a friend to pick up on Tuesday in place of you.
If you don’t have someone who can pick up your share, please email [email protected] to ask that it be donated to a local non-profit.
We will be donating shares to The House of Friendship or A Better Tent City over the 2024 growing season. We will not be offering holds, refunds or returns on shares during the 17 weeks.
Email us at [email protected] and we’d be happy to answer any questions you have