About Us

KW Habilitation is a local not-for-profit organization that provides a wide range of individualized services and supports to children with any special need and adults with developmental disabilities. We believe that a good life is fostered through early learning supports, inclusive living services, community involvement, and employment supports.

We use PRISMS to enhance the competence of our leadership and employees to create a person-centred organizational culture.  Click here for more information

Our History

KW Habilitation would not exist without the support of the families and community groups who worked together more than 50 years ago to find a place to meet their children’s needs. The legacy of these hard working families and community groups remains today.

This legacy is on our walls, in the name of some of our programs, and in the way we operate, even today. The values we stand by today, those of equity, choice, inclusion, and collaboration were built by the folks who brought us together all those years ago.


Our Leadership Team

KW Habilitation has over 500 employees who work directly with more than 1,000 people and their families in Waterloo Region.

Our Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is made up of people from the community with a passion for ensuring that we live in a community where everyone belongs and participates. If you are interested in joining our Board, please reach out to Cherylyn Sawatzky to learn about opportunities to participate.

Quality Assurance

As an Agency, KW Habilitation is concerned about the quality of the work we do. In addition, we see the new legislation for our sector, the “Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008” and the associated regulations (e.g., Ontario Regulation 299/10 “Quality Assurance Measures”; Ontario Regulation 276/10 “General”) as a call to take the field of developmental services to a new level of quality and innovation.

Supporting the Agency in promoting the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, long term vision of “A Journey to Belonging” with regards to empowering people in making choices and living as independently as possible through the continued development of person-directed supports.

KW Habilitation’s Quality Assurance initiatives were established not only to help us assess how well we are doing what we say we are doing, but also to identify how we can do things better!

This is achieved by:

  • Promoting responsive supports and services for people and their families
  • Planning, implementing and evaluating quality assurance activities for the entire Agency in collaboration with people supported, families, staff and other stakeholders
  • Ensuring legislative and MCCSS Compliance standards are met and maintained within policies, procedures and practices
  • Providing ongoing staff training and Agency orientations for new employees

KW Habilitation is committed to continuously learning as an organization. Feedback from people involved with KW Habilitation helps us improve the supports we provide.

If you have feedback or a complaint, please fill out the form below:

We are proud members and partners of several different organization including:

Inclusion International logo.
Community Living Ontario logo.
Ontario Agencies Supporting Individuals with Special Needs (oasis) logo.
CCDI Logo Horizontal
KW4 Ontario Health Team logo.
Children and Youth Planning Table of Waterloo Region logo.
Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities logo.
Canadian association for supported employment logo
oden logo
first work transforming Ontario's workforce

We gratefully acknowledge that the land on which we gather and work at KW Habilitation is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee, Anishnaabe and Chonnonton People.  We acknowledge the enduring presence of the Indigenous people with whom we share this land today, their achievements and their contributions to our community. We offer this acknowledgement as an act of reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples of Canada.

Please Join Us for our Annual Golf Tournament!