News & Events

Thank You Eden!

This week is National Volunteer Week!

All week, KW Hab will be sharing stories about a few of our amazing volunteers and we are sharing their stories because we are tremendously grateful for everything they do!  Today, we’re pleased to share what we heard from Eden when we asked her about her experience volunteering at KW Hab.


Eden Meisels Photo‘After learning about KW Habilitation’s mission and vision, which resonated with me tremendously, I knew that this was an organization that I wanted to be involved with. I volunteered with the Early Learning and Weekend Respite programs. Through these experiences, I had the privilege to meet incredible individuals in remarkable programs, form meaningful connections, and gain valuable skills. Following the suspension of in-person volunteering due to COVID-19, I became a friendly phone call volunteer so that I could help mitigate the social isolation people in the community were experiencing through phone conversations. It has been amazing to get to know individuals and form connections through our common interests during these interactions. I am grateful for the opportunity to support others during these challenging times and have thoroughly enjoyed volunteering with this wonderful organization.’

Thank you, Eden, for continuing to support KW Habilitation!