This article highlights the journey of one of our students, Daniel, who took one of our LEG Up! to Work courses and is now making a difference in his community.

Daniel Haanstra is a student who took the LEG Up! to Retail course in 2022. Upon finishing the course, Daniel was looking to ease back into employment, with the goal of starting a volunteer position. Daniel began volunteering at Mill Courtland Community Centre, doing donation intake and sorting, on a weekly basis. Daniel said that he was initially drawn to this position as he has a desire to help those in need, and enjoys working alongside coworkers, building a sense of community and belonging. As of 2024, Daniel is still volunteering weekly in this position, and has become a beloved member of the team. Daniel’s coworkers and managers at Mill Courtland Community Centre speak highly of Daniel’s dedication and hard work, and emphasize how fortunate they feel that he has continued on volunteering, longer than he initially intended.
Although Daniel now has goals of eventually finding paid employment, he has also stated that he wishes to continue volunteering every week at Mill Courtland Community Centre, as this position has given him a sense of accomplishment and pride, and he feels that he is making a real difference in his community.

Are you Interested in our LEG Up! to Work course?
Looking to build independence? Develop the skills necessary to gain employment? Build your confidence in the workplace? Find work and start earning money and experience? This is the first step in achieving your career goals! Check out our upcoming LEG Up! to Work courses.