This week, CTV News and Cambridge Today visited Project SEARCH interns to get the inside scoop on this incredible collaborative program!
Click here to view the full news story from CTV.
Click here to view the full news story from Cambridge Today.

Project SEARCH is a skill building employment based program for students ages 18-21 who have a developmental disability. In partnership with KW Habilitation, Waterloo Catholic District School Board, St. Mary’s General Hospital and Cambridge Memorial Hospital, Project SEARCH allows students to learn experiences first-hand that teach them skills that will help them to be successful in volunteerism or employment, upon graduation.

This year we have students at the Cambridge Memorial Hospital location who are gaining hands on experience exploring different areas of the hospital including food services, the Medical Day Clinic, the Medical Device Reprocessing Department, and in Human Resources.
We asked some of the current students at the Cambridge Memorial Hospital to share their thoughts on their experience this year so far and here’s what they had to say:

“I’m loving being in a new environment,” says Marina.
“I like talking to different staff in departments,” says Hannah.
“I’m happy to learn everything I can from here,” says Sam.
“I’m looking forward to the internships,” says Robert.
“Johanna and I are so impressed with the dedication our interns have put into navigating transportation and way-finding around the hospital. Lots of learning to come!” says Rachel (Skills trainer) and Johannah (Instructor).