At least twice a week, you’ll find Tony Riddell in a pool hall. A member of two different leagues, Tony has been an avid pool player for years. Having lived independently in different apartments around Kitchener, Tony could write a book on what it means to have a good life. Working as a dedicated employee at East Side Mario’s for 15 years, Tony used his Honda motorcycle to get around. Known to be a gentleman, his long-term partner, Pauline passed away a few years ago and he has most recently been enjoying the single life and all the perks that come with being a senior in our community. When people meet Tony, his optimism and positivity leaves a lasting impression, so it came as no surprise to those that know him that his 75th birthday party would be a fabulous celebration.
This definitely wasn’t your average birthday party…there might have been cake and balloons, but Tony had a vision. He shared his vision with Susan Deosaran, the Direct Support Professional he works within the Supported Independent Living (SIL) program at KW Habilitation and she helped him pull the party of his dreams together.
An avid shopper, Tony wanted to celebrate in style. Naturally, he bought a tuxedo for the occasion! He selected his cake, decided on what snacks to serve and was happily involved in every aspect of the planning process. Add in a limo to get to and from the party and he was set. A few of the SIL staff from KW Habilitation were invited to join Tony in the limo which took the group to the pool hall where Tony celebrated with many of his friends from his pool league senior program he attends and KW Hab. Perhaps the highlight was when he got to show off a few of his pool skills.
Tony’s birthday party was truly a celebration, and a reminder to live each day to the fullest. We were honoured to be part of it.