Take the Next Step to Meaningful Employment

Job Readiness Courses

We offer job readiness courses including sector specific learning open to anyone with any barrier to employment. These courses are focused on building the skills essential for employment, creating a resume, interview preparation, and more!

An employee at Onward Manufacturing supported through KW Career Compass (KWCC) standing beside their employee.

Our Classes

We offer 4 different courses. Each LEG Up! class includes 24 hours of in class learning, hands on skill evaluations in the community, practice interviews with community partners, literacy evaluations, and the opportunity, once the class is complete, to connect with a job coach for ongoing support.  

Every LEG Up! Course Includes:

  • Self-Presentation
  • Time Management
  • Rights & Responsibilities
  • Being Professional in the Workplace
  • The Realities of Work
  • Managing Work and Personal Life
  • Goals and Barriers
  • Job Search and Interview Skills
  • Learn the importance of giving and receiving both positive and negative feedback.
  • Dealing with Conflict
  • Workplace Math
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Work Relationships
  • Task Management

Each class runs 3 times per year at a cost of $300.  Passport Funding can be used to pay for these courses.



Lady smiling inside of a store with a basket full of return items. KW Habilitation logo in bottom right.

LEG Up! to Work

Focuses on the overall experience one can expect from employment, building relevant job skills, and covering various topics related to work in general.

Woman inside of a store pointing at screen showing man something on computer and smiling.

LEG Up! to Retail

Focuses on building customer service, cash handling, conflict resolution, and organizational skills.

Person standing outside of Union Market in a work uniform smiling. (KW Habilitation logo on bottom right)

LEG Up! to Hospitality

Focuses on building necessary skills to work within the “big four” areas of hospitality, including food and beverage, travel and tourism, lodging, and recreation.

Man kneeling and examining a product part beside a clipboard in a warehouse.

LEG Up! to Material Handling

Prepares people for employment within the multiple industries inside the material handling sector, including manufacturing, construction, warehousing, and retail.

I wanted to help people in need, and LEG Up! to Work helped me find a job where I could do that.

Person sitting and smiling with hands crossed.
Photo of two people working at Tim Hortons

How We Help

KW Career Compass provides support for people with barriers to employment while working with employers to create a diverse and inclusive workforce across Kitchener Waterloo.  

Did you know that 22% of Canadians have a disability and even more have some other type of barrier when it comes to getting (and keeping) a job?  

We work with job seekers AND employers to bridge the gap and foster a community where everyone belongs and participates.

Take the Next Step to Meaningful Employment!

KW Career Compass can help!

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